Omigiri Exchange
A fic and art exchange focused on the romantic relationship between Sakusa Kiyoomi and Miya Osamu!
How does this exchange work?
A fic and art exchange is an event where participants sign up to create fanwork for another participant in exchange for receiving fanwork in return. Participants will list any tropes, themes, characters, or other ships that they like, and their creator will make a piece based on one or more of these. Throughout this process, creators will remain anonymous to their recipients until the posting date!

1. This is an Omigiri exchange, so Omigiri must be the focus of your gifts.
2. Pieces must meet these minimum requirements:
-Written pieces must be at least 1000 words and complete by the posting date.
-Art pieces must be at least one full-page illustration or comic. Backgrounds are optional for full-color pieces but should be included in black-and-white ones. Both digital and traditional will be accepted!
-All pieces must meet one or more of the recipient's requests and refrain from including anything they've asked not to receive.
3. Creators must stay anonymous until creator reveals.
4. This event is open to everybody, so all prompts and gifts must be SFW and may not exceed an M rating.
5. Be respectful of your recipient and other participants for this exchange.
How will this exchange be held?
Signups will be done through a Google form where participants will be encouraged to link a "Dear Creator" letter that can provide further detail for any requests they have for their gift. Google Docs or Carrds are good examples of platforms to use for this since participants will be able to edit their letters throughout the process! From here, the mods will correspond with participants through email.
Is platonic Omigiri okay?
This exchange is focused on the romantic relationship of Sakusa and Osamu, so participants should only signup if they want to receive and create this kind of content. Furthermore, side pairings or mentions of past relationships are fine as long as your recipient has asked for them, but keep in mind that Omigiri should be the focus of your piece.
Will there be a Discord?
There will not be a Discord specifically for this event. Participants will be contacted over email and reminders will be announced on Twitter. However, if you want to connect with other participants, there is an Omigiri server that you can join by messaging the Omigiri Archive twitter!
Can I beta for this event?
There will be a section on the signup form to offer help as a beta or to request a beta for writers.
More questions?
Feel free to email us at [email protected] or send us an ask on CuriousCat!